Personal Power Mastery by Douglas Vermeeren

Personal Power Mastery by Douglas Vermeeren

Author:Douglas Vermeeren
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Panoma Press Ltd

Incorrect Values and Inauthentic Purposes

It is very possible, as we saw with Tim in the above situation, to find yourself pursuing incorrect values and an inauthentic path. Obviously, no one forced him on to this path, but he did find himself there because of the influences around him. Our society structures ideas around us that we accept as truth, which is not necessarily in harmony with who we really are and what we find value in.

Recently, I conducted training on abundance and wealth, in London. As the attendees arrived and we began a discussion about affluence, I heard comments that were clearly competitive. The ideas around riches were very much directed to material things, net worth and cash on hand. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not against accumulating these things, but as people dove deeper into their more authentic selves and felt safe to do so, the definition of wealth and abundance began to change for the majority present in the room.

Most in the group actually began to recognize that they were already wealthy. The difference was that their wealth had been manifesting in the ways that they truly valued more than the money or material things they placed so much significance on.

Now here’s the interesting part: when you really know what you value, and you have authenticity of purpose, you can actually have both.


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